Reflektor Group Exhibition

Foto Wien 2023

We All

“Portraits of a group of people who runs a theatre. They all do their best to get the perfect resoult. They all are different, but they respect eachother. Every single person counts. They all have radically different political preferences, but still, they can work together. Some of them are famous in their own World, but unknown anywhere else. Some of them already died. The others may are cleaners or security guards, and they do it pretty well. At the and We All are mortal. So what actually matters?”

Photos were taken of Actors and Employees of The National Theatre of Hungary.
The project took 2 years. I used a large format camera and shoot on 4x5” b&w sheet film. 87 people were photographed and they where exhibited without name tags. The exhibition was opened by Karoly Kincses photomuseologist, and head of House of Photography Hungary and by Robert Alföldi, director of the National Theatre at that time.